Hey, I'm Avi

I'm a 27-year-old guy who loves programming, particularly in JavaScript. I enjoy making useful software
garry's mod
server.cfg Generator
Basic settings
CVar: hostname
The name of the server that will be displayed in the Server Browser
CVar: sv_password
The password of the server. Used to create private servers. (Leave blank to setup a public server)
CVar: sv_tags
Add tags, in addition to auto-generated ones
CVar: maxplayers
Maximum amount of players that can join the server
RCON (Remote CONtrol) settings
CVar: rcon_password
The RCON password of the server that will allow admins to send commands to the server using Console Variables via Garry's Mod's console. Only you (the owner) should know this password!
CVar: sv_rcon_log
RCON logging. If enabled, the RCON information will be kept
CVar: sv_rcon_minfailuretime
Number of seconds to track failed RCON authentications
CVar: sv_rcon_minfailures
Number of times a user can fail RCON authentication in before being banned
CVar: sv_rcon_maxfailures
Max number of times a user can fail RCON authentication before being banned
Network settings
CVar: sv_loadingurl
If not empty, the given URL will display the webpage that is associated with to the user while loading
CVar: sv_allowupload
Enable/disable clients to upload customizations files
CVar: sv_allowdownload
Enable/disable ability for clients to download missing files
CVar: sv_downloadurl
If you want new players to download the custom server's files (music, miscs, maps, etc.) from a remote server, type its root address here. Tutorial
CVar: net_maxfilesize
Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB
Sandbox settings
CVar: sbox_noclip
Enable/disable noclip
CVar: sbox_godmode
Enable/disable God mode
CVar: sbox_playershurtplayers
Enable/disable PvP (Player vs. Player)
CVar: sbox_maxprops
The maximum amount of props a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned props will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxragdolls
The maximum amount of ragdolls a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned ragdolls will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxnpcs
The maximum amount of NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned NPCs will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxballoons
The maximum amount of balloons a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned balloons will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxeffects
The maximum amount of effects a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned effects will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxdynamite
The maximum amount of dynamites a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned dynamites will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxlamps
The maximum amount of lamps a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned lamps will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxthrusters
The maximum amount of thrusters a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned thrusters will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxwheels
The maximum amount of wheels a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned wheels will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxhoverballs
The maximum amount of hover-balls a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned hover-balls will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxvehicles
The maximum amount of vehicles a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned vehicles will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxbuttons
The maximum amount of buttons a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned buttons will disappear
CVar: sbox_maxemitters
The maximum amount of emitters a player will be able to spawn. If a player keeps spawning after this limit, previously-spawned emitters will disappear
General settings
CVar: sv_lan
If enabled, the server will only be visible on the Local Area Network
CVar: sv_alltalk
Enable/disable letting both teams voice chat with each other
CVar: mp_friendlyfire
Enable/disable "Friendly fire". (Teammates can kill each other)
CVar: sv_cheats
NOT RECOMMENDED! After enabling cheating, achievements cannot be earned
CVar: sv_pausable
NOT RECOMMENDED! Enable/disable the ability to pause the server. Works only if "sv_cheats" is set to Enable
CVar: mp_forcecamera
Forces Spectator Mode's camera for dead players
Idle settings
CVar: mp_disable_autokick
Enable/disable auto kick
Technical settings (don't modify if you don't know)
CVar: sv_voiceenable
Allow voice chat
CVar: sv_allow_voice_from_file
Allow third-party programs to play music. E.g. HLDJ
CVar: mp_fadetoblack
Fade a player's screen to black upon his death
CVar: mp_falldamage
Amount of damage players sustains from a fall
CVar: host_framerate
Lock per-frame time elapse
CVar: fps_max
Maximum amount of available FPS (frames per second)
CVar: sv_minrate
Minimum bandwidth rate allowed
CVar: sv_maxrate
Maximum bandwidth rate allowed
CVar: sv_minupdaterate
Minimum allowed updates per second
CVar: sv_maxupdaterate
Maximum allowed updates per second
CVar: mp_allowspectators
Enable/disable Spectator Mode
CVar: mp_footsteps
Enable/disable footstep sounds
CVar: sv_timeout
After this many seconds without any movement from a client, the client is dropped
CVar: sv_allow_color_correction
Allow users to enable color correction
CVar: log
Enable/disable logging to file, console, and udp
CVar: sv_log_onefile
Log server information to only one file
CVar: sv_logfile
Log server information in the log file
CVar: sv_logbans
Log server bans in the server logs
CVar: sv_logecho
Enable/disable echo log information to the console
Round settings
CVar: mp_chattime
Game over chat: Amount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over
CVar: sv_contact
Contact Email for server sysop
CVar: sv_region
The server will be displayed in the Server Browser for the selected region